Twenty six artists have at least one work in the Arts League of Lowell (ALL) Out of the Ordinary exhibition. The gallery is an awesome place to show and view works of art. It has great lighting and layout. The themes for recent exhibitions have been challenging and fun for artists working in several media.

My entry is entitled “The Chase”, although the title is new. In the exhibition i went with “(Untitled)”. I captured this image in the Hamptons on Long Island during a bicycle ride to Montauk Light. As I was riding down Old Montauk Road I passed this man and I was fascinated by his superb coordination. I rode ahead and positioned myself for the shot. There would be only one opportunity to capture the shot as he ran by.. After quickly checking my camera settings, I aimed and pushed the shutter release when he was directly in front of me.. Other than some minor motion blur, I am happy with the result.