Authors and Street Photographers

During one of my wanderings on the vast wasteland of the Internet, I discovered two great street photographers, Thomas Leuthard and Eric Kim, who have both published free e-books on the subject. My favorite Thomas Leuthard e-book is Going Candid . . . An Unorthodox Approach to Street Photography. Generally there is no “orthodoxy” in street photography, so his title is on solid ground. It covers significant and diverse topics, such as composition, ethics, and promotion of your work. You can download this e-book and others from Thomas Leuthard’s web site

Eric Kim also has several free e-book titles as well and I have read Street Photography 101 and Street Photography 102. While Leuthard and Kim share many opinions concerning street photography, Kim takes a slightly more philosophical approach in his e-books. 101 discusses the motivation and equipment for street photography. 102 covers composition is some detail with emphasis on interacting with human subjects. Eric Kim has been a prolific writer and some of his works are for sale on Amazon. For free e-books and information on his Amazon publications for sale see his web site

You can follow both of these exceptional street photographers Thomas Leuthard and Eric Kim on Flickr.